Free Shipping
Use code "FreeShippingUSA" on orders sub-total over $250 USD. Exclusions apply, please read below:
Applies for Mainland USA only
Shipping rates over $95 USD are excluded from the promotion
Superspeed Wheels (wheels only) is excluded from the promotion
GarageUnique Lip/Splitter and Wing excluded from the promotion
- APR Performance Lips/Splitters and Wings are excluded from the promotion
Use code "FreeShippingCanada" on orders sub-total over $700 CAD. Exclusions apply, please read below:
Applies for Canada only
Shipping rates over $140 CAD are excluded from the promotion
GarageUnique Lip/Splitter and Wing excluded from the promotion
- APR Performance Lips/Splitters and Wings are excluded from the promotion
Exhaust Systems are excluded from the promotion
Coilover Kits are excluded from the promotion
Recaro seats are excluded from the promotion